
The inputs.yaml in clue‘s workdir, contains configuration for most aspects of environments managed by clue.

Before you can start using clue you may need/want to make some modifications to the inputs file. Most inputs already have sane defaults for managing a Cloudify based environment. In this section, we’ll go over the different inputs.


The features_file input points to the location of the features.yaml used by clue. The default value already point to a file that was generated during environment creation. You can leave the default value as is for now. When we talk about Features, we’ll get back to this file.


By default, clone_method is set to https. If you use ssh to clone GitHub repositories, change this value to ssh.


You can specify a set of constraints that will be passed to every pip install command that clue executes. A set of initial values if provided, but you can change this value to your liking.


You can specify key/value pairs that will be set on each repo that is managed by clue, for example, if you have something like this in your inputs

git_config: Johnnie Walker

Then the following git command will be executed on all GitHub repositories managed by clue

$ git config "Johnnie Walker"
$ git config user.mail ""

This can be useful if you wish to have different values in your global git config.


List of values for the location of the file that comes bundled with git installations. The clue git status command, makes use of this file to produce detailed reports. The default value contains a few locations that are known to exist on different distributions. If none of the paths are found, clue git status will fallback to displaying the branch name alone.


The default GitHub organization from which GitHub repositories will be cloned. The default value is cloudify-cosmo but you can modify this value if you want to use clue to manage different development environments.


You can also override the organization for specific repositories. This will be explained in the repos input section.


Each value in this list will be registered by python argcomplete in the postactive script of the managed virtualenv. The default value includes cfy, clue ,``claw`` and je.


clue makes use of virtualenvwrapper‘s postactivate script to implement this feature. As such, it will override any file that may exist there (if clue is used to manage an existing virtualenv or if this file was modified manually and clue apply was called at some point). This is something to be aware of in case you need this file for additional purposes. Currently, it is not possible to provide additional configuration for this file, but if there is need, such feature will be implemented. (by me or by you).


The repos input is a dictionary that specifies all repositories that are managed by clue and for each, the python packages it contains. By default, each repository is assumed to also represent a python package but this can be overridden as explained in the following section.

  • Each entry in this dictionary represents a single GitHub repository, for example:

        type: core

    The above represents an environment that contains a single repository, cloudify-rest-client. The organization is derived from the organization input. The type core should be specified for all Cloudify repositories who’s version advances with the Cloudify version. We supplied no python property, so by default, clue assumes this repository represents a python package that is pip installable with no additional dependencies.

  • Use the dependencies property to specify additional python dependencies a python package has, for example:

        type: core
        type: core
          - cloudify-rest-client

    The above builds upon the previous example and adds the cloudify-plugins-common repository. Notice that it specifies a dependency on the cloudify-rest-client python package.

  • To tell clue that a certain repository does not represent a python package, specify python: false.

        python: false
  • clue automatically adds a python dependency on cloudify-plugins-common for repositories of type plugin.

        type: plugin
  • A repository that represents a python package and is not of core or plugin type, can be specified like this:

      flask-securest: {}
  • You can override the default organization and parent directory for repositories like this:

          organization: dankilman
          location: /path/to/parent/repo/directory
        python: false

    The above tells clue to clone the claw-scripts repository from the dankilman organization and to use /path/to/parent/repo/directory as its base dir.

  • There may be cases where a certain repository contains one or more python packages that are not directly located in its root. In such cases, you can specify a list of package definitions to the python property, like this:

        - name: cloudify-rest-service
          path: rest-service
          - cloudify-dsl-parser
          - flask-securest
        - name: cloudify-workflows
          path: workflows
          - cloudify-plugins-common
  • Each repository has a default branch set for it, which by default is master. You can override this by setting the branch property for a repository.

        python: false
          branch: gh-pages
  • You can have clue generate Intellij Idea project files. To do so, specify project_dir: true in one of the repos properties. All managed python packages will be added as python modules to the generated project. In addition you can specify resources: true in non-python repositories, to have the repository added as a resources module to the generated project. If wish to add directories relative to a certain repo and not its root, you can pass a list of relative paths to resources instead of true. The following is in example extracted from the default repos input.

          project_dir: true
          # add the cloudify-manager/resources dir
          - resources
        python: false
          resources: true

    To open the generated project, point Intellij to the project dir repo.


    At most, one project dir can be specified.


The root directory to which all managed GitHub repositories will be cloned. The value for this inputs was supplied in the clue env create command. This value can be changed at any time to have clue manage a different root directory.


As explained in the repos input section, you can override the base dir for each managed repository specifically. This allows you to have certain repositories that will be managed by clue but will be located in different base directories.


A list of additional requirements that will be installed in the managed virtualenv. The default value contains flake8, tox, nose and a few other testing frameworks. You can update this list to your liking.


The name of the virtualenvwrapper virtualenv. The default value is cloudify. If this virtualenv already exists, clue will make use of it, otherwise, it will create a new virtualenv using mkvirtualenv {{virtualenv_name}}.


If virtualenvwrapper is installed system wide, the default value can be used. Otherwise, a full path to this script should be supplied.